7 March 2024

On Today Show
— Nicholas Mujah Ason, General Secretary SADIA – GPS Wants Autonomy for Environmental Control: Responsible for the Logjam Issue?
—“Boss”, Fans and listeners of Radio Free Sarawak – Kapit Resident Challenges Official Denial: Insists Katibas River Logjam Caused by Logging
— Stephen from Long Selungo Baram – Isn't it ironic for the three terms Baram MP to speak about the lack of development in Baram in parliament?
— Mr. Tuan from Niah – Is the HDC loan meant to provide assistance or increase burdens?

Topik Pada Hari Ini
- Nicholas Mujah Ason, Setiausaha Agung SADIA - GPS Mahu Autonomi untuk Kawalan Alam Sekitar: Bertanggungjawab atas Isu Kandas Kayu Balak?
- "Boss", Peminat dan pendengar Radio Free Sarawak - Penduduk Kapit Menantang Penafian Rasmi: Insis Kayu Balak di Sungai Katibas Disebabkan oleh Pembalakan
- Stephen dari Long Selungo Baram - Bukankah ironis bagi Baram MP tiga penggal untuk berbicara tentang kekurangan pembangunan di Baram di Parlimen?
- Encik Tuan dari Niah - Adakah pinjaman HDC dimaksudkan untuk memberi bantuan atau menambah beban?

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Director of the Sarawak Forest Department (Hamden Mohammad) Logjam in Sungai Katibas is not because of logging activities. It is because of a landslide in the Lanjak Entimau forest area which is fully protected. According to Hamden, the Lanjak Entimau forest area is an endangered Orang Utan protected area. Logging is impossible in fully protected forest areas. However, FB Buletin Kapit posted a video lasting 1 minute and 17 seconds showing a view from a helicopter of the logging situation upstream of Katibas. Log road loops are clearly visible everywhere believed to have been built by loggers to cut down and transport logs.

    2. In today's parliamentary session - Member of Parliament Bera - (Ismail Sabri- former PM) asked about the appeal of former PM Najib Razak who requested to transfer his prisoner from prison to house arrest. The decision of the pardon board- has reduced the fine and sentence against Najib. Najib is expected to be released on August 23, 2028.

    3. Nicholas Mujah condemned the actions of environmental criminals that caused the logjam in the Katibas river. Nicholas urged the authorities to act decisively. Nicholas Mujah has just been appointed as the Indigenous Foundation Council (FSC) representing the Asian continent. Congratulations to Nicholas Mujah. An activist who has been active in field work for more than 30 years.


    Nicholas Mujah Ason, General Secretary SADIA.

    *GPS Wants Autonomy for Environmental Control: Responsible for the Logjam Issue?*

    In a media statement last March 5, 2024. Sarawak Premier Johari Openg said- Sarawak will have absolute power in relation to the environment when Putrajaya fully returns environmental autonomy to Sarawak. Mujah wondered why Johari said that. Because according to the federal constitution, the first schedule states that the state has full power in relation to land and the environment. This means that all this time the state of Sarawak has full power in relation to the environment.

    Therefore, Mujah denounced and demanded that the Sarawak government take full responsibility for the logjam incident that occurred in the Katibas river on March 2, 2024.

    We strongly condemn the actions of loggers who cut down wood uncontrollably and dump waste into the river. The Sarawak government should be held accountable and environmental criminals should be prosecuted - Mujah said.

    Mujah urged local residents to come forward to make a report with photo or video evidence. Mujah who has just been appointed to the Indigenous Foundation Council (FSC) representing Asia, insists- with the new role he is playing. He hoped that all parties would work together to take care of the environment and provide complete and accurate reports related to forest rape in Sarawak. Forest damage in Sarawak is at a serious and alarming level


    “Boss”, Fan and listener of Radio Free Sarawak

    *Kapit Resident Challenges Official Denial: Insists Katibas River Logjam Caused by Logging*

    Boss is the nickname of a listener who refuses to be named for fear of being sued by the authorities. He is from Kapit. Since yesterday Akbar in Sarawak published media reports denying that the logjam occurring in the Katibas river in Kapit was caused by logging. Director of the Sarawak Forestry Department Hamden Mohammad said that the pile of logs that drifted away was caused by a landslide in the Lanjak Entimau forest reserve. The Lanjak Entimau area is a fully protected area and it is impossible for the log waste to come from the area.

    However, Boss believes that drifting logs are logging waste. Some aerial video recordings in the upper forest area of Katibas clearly show the circle of logging roads built by logging companies to cut down and transport logs. The video also shows the forest area upstream of Katibas is badly damaged. The video was shared by RB Buletin Kapit. According to Boss, even if the wood waste is not the waste of logging in the last few months. Probably the remnants of logging that accumulated a few years ago. There is no doubt that it is the remains of logging.


    Stephen from Long Selungo Baram

    *Isn't it ironic for the three terms Baram MP to speak about the lack of development in Baram in parliament?*

    Today, Hulu Rejang MP Ugak Umbong invited members of parliament and ministers to visit the interior of Baram to see the actual situation of the Baram area that has not received development opportunities. This statement was also appreciated by Baram MP Anyi Ngau, who thanked Ugak Umbong and said that he helped him start his speech.

    Whether it is Ugak Umbong or Anyi Ngau reflecting on the problems in the Baram interior in parliament, it is ironic to the people of Baram. This is because Anyi Ngau has been a three-term MP for Baram but has not provided development opportunities to Baram. Instead, he has to talk about these problems in parliament, showing his incompetence and dereliction of duty.

    Stephen said that the lack of development in Baram is not a problem that can be solved overnight. Anyi Ngau has been an MP for three terms, yet the main roads in the interior are still not there, and the bridges are old and unrepaired. These problems have not been resolved.

    He said that although the government has approved road construction projects from villages to main roads in the interior, it is only a short distance. The most important thing is to repair and improve the transportation facilities that can save travel between the city and the interior.

    He emphasized that Anyi Ngau is undoubtedly derelict in his duty. For so many years, he has not brought development to Baram but instead has taken backward steps.


    Mr. Tuan from Niah

    *Is the HDC loan meant to provide assistance or increase burdens?*

    Yesterday, RFS reported on the issue of borrowers borrowing HDC loans and facing problems with contractors purchasing construction materials at high prices. Today, we conducted further interviews on this matter.

    Tuan from Niah shared his experience regarding loans from HDC to build houses about 10years ago. Unfortunately, the amount given, which is 5,000 Ringgit for each applicant for the cost of purchasing construction materials, is not worthwhile because the price of materials provided with the loan of 5,000 Ringgit does not seem to match the amount allocated. This is a loss to the borrower as they have to repay the loan, including interest. The people lose, but the construction suppliers make huge profits.

    Mr. Tuan suggested why not distribute it in cash and let the borrowers buy the construction materials themselves so that it is not abused by distributors who only distribute goods cheaper than the actual cost.

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