6 March 2024

On Today Show
— Linggang from Marudi
> HDC Loan Adds Burden to Borrowers; Contractor's Materials Priced Higher than Market
> Pending Compensation: Samling's Unmet Promises to Affected Communities in Marudi
— Jok Jau Ivong, Coordinator of Sahabat Alam Malaysia- Sarawak Zone – Samling Expands Monoculture Timber Plantation in Marudi, Approved by Government
— Jeffrey Ngui, Chairman of Muda Sarawak – Interior Communities' Non-registration with PADU Calls for Government Action


Topik Pada Hari Ini
— Linggang dari Marudi
> Pinjaman HDC Menambah Beban kepada Peminjam; Bahan Kontraktor Dipatok Lebih Tinggi daripada Pasaran
> Pampasan Belum Diterima: Janji Samling yang Belum Dipenuhi kepada Komuniti Terjejas di Marudi
— Jok Jau Ivong, koordinator Sahabat Alam Malaysia-Zon Sarawak – Samling Meluaskan Ladang Pembalakan Monokultur di Marudi, Diluluskan oleh Kerajaan
— Jeffrey Ngui, Pengerusi Muda Sarawak – Komuniti Dalaman Belum Berdaftar dengan PADU Meminta Tindakan Kerajaan

  • *Special Randau*

    1. Statement by the Auditor General, Wan Suraya Wan Mohd Radzi- FELDA lost RM1.005 billion.

    2. Malaysiakini opposes the media code of ethics and the direct control of the media by the government.

    3. Abang Johari Openg- Premier of Sarawak- Putrajaya will restore Sarawak's autonomy regarding environmental management. It follows progress in the implementation of MA63. According to Johari Openg - Sarawak has amended several state laws to protect the environment.

    4. Logjam in Sungai Katibas- Environmental criminals should be prosecuted.


    Linggang from Marudi

    *HDC Loan Adds Burden to Borrowers; Contractor's Materials Priced Higher than Market*

    The villagers of Rumah Gendang at Sungai Assan Tengah received approval for a RM700,000 loan from the Housing Development Corporation (HDC) for constructing a new longhouse. At a recent ceremony attended by political secretary to Sarawak Premier William Anut and SUPP Dudong branch chairman Wong Ching Yong, plans for the new longhouse were discussed. Wong highlighted the area's vulnerability to floods during the rainy season, emphasizing the need for a new longhouse in a flood-safe location.

    In this case, the GPS government should provide assistance to flood victims in stead of let victims get loans to repair their house. However, providing loans is not worthy of grand announcements and wasting resources on ceremonies. Moreover, HDC's unclear operations have led to complaints from many borrowers, including the requirement to purchase materials through contractors at prices several times higher than market rates.

    Linggang from Marudi told RFS that, the HDC loan which under GPS, is for equipment for longhouse construction. However, what is disappointing is that the loaned equipment or materials do not match the amount allocated by the government to the people. For example, if the allocation is RM 30,000, the materials provided to the people are only worth RM 10,000. This is a misuse of power by individuals appointed by the government, leading to a misappropriation between government representatives and housing equipment distributors.

    some cases are the contractor deducted 30% from the HDC loan of RM30,000 for each door (RM9,000), leaving RM21,000. With the remaining RM21,000, they were supposed to buy materials through them. However, when borrowers checked the prices in the hardware market, there was a significant difference of up to 30%.

    This is not helping people, but rather adding to the burden of borrowers, and the quality of the houses is also being questioned. He requested GPS and the YBs to investigate this matter. The government is requested to appoint monitoring officers to oversee the misuse of aid to the people.

    *Pending Compensation: Samling's Unmet Promises to Affected Communities in Marudi*

    Meanwhile, Mr. Linggang explained that the clearing of forests in Marudi for the purpose of replanting acacia wood by Samling Company is still active since December 2021. However, what is disappointing is the environmental impact, such as rivers becoming increasingly blocked, affecting the natural flow of water from the upstream Marudi and destroying the environment due to logging and replanting activities by Samling Company.

    Previously, Samling had promised to compensate the communities affected by the destruction of the environment, including those whose traditional lands and rivers, which are sources of fishing for the villagers, were affected. However, these promises have not been fulfilled by Samling, and the demand for compensation for the destruction of the environment is still pending for the affected communities.Meanwhile, Mr. Linggang explained that the clearing of forests in Marudi for the purpose of replanting acacia wood by Samling Company is still active since December 2021. However, what is disappointing is the environmental impact, such as rivers becoming increasingly blocked, affecting the natural flow of water from the upstream Marudi and destroying the environment due to logging and replanting activities by Samling Company.

    Previously, Samling had promised to compensate the communities affected by the destruction of the environment, including those whose traditional lands and rivers, which are sources of fishing for the villagers, were affected. However, these promises have not been fulfilled by Samling, and the demand for compensation for the destruction of the environment is still pending for the affected communities.


    Jok Jau Ivong, Coordinator of Sahabat Alam Malaysia- Sarawak Zone

    *Samling Expands Monoculture Timber Plantation in Marudi, Approved by Government*

    Jok Jau informed that Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM) did know that Samling was working on a monoculture timber plantation in Marudi. It is located in Sg. Linai Marudi. However, the extent of the area involved has not yet been identified. SAM will write to the superiors to get a map of the area involved. Just this morning a representative of the Samling company visited the SAM office in Marudi. However, the meeting has not been possible due to a tight schedule. We will set a time to hear a briefing from Samling. In addition, residents in Sungai Linai objected to their land being involved in monoculture and Carbon study by Samling.

    We also understand that Samling is expanding their Monoculture farms beyond the area that has been approved for them. SAM will investigate whether Samling complies with all the requirements of the Carbon Study permit and the monoculture license given to them – said Jok Jau


    Jeffrey Ngui, Chairman of Muda Sarawak

    *Interior Communities' Non-registration with PADU Calls for Government Action*

    The issue of low registration rates for PADU persists, with only 3.7 million registrations out of a total population of 30 million citizens. Jeffrey has not yet registered, but Jeffrey Ngui has partially completed his registration and intends to finish it this month. Recently, he posted about PADU, highlighting a lack of awareness among indigenous people regarding PADU's purpose and registration requirements as a primary concern.

    Many IT experts are hesitant to provide their personal information due to a lack of trust in the PADU system, exacerbated by the country's weak Information Act. Although the Data Protection Act exists to secure personal data, it has not been sufficient to instill confidence. The broad requirements for registration have also contributed to the hesitancy among potential registrants.

    To address these issues, urgent action is needed from the government. This should include improving transparency about how data will be used, strengthening data protection measures, and providing clear information and support for the registration process. Without these measures, increasing registration rates and ensuring the inclusion of all citizens in the PADU system will be challenging.

    Furthermore, a special team should be deployed to rural areas to assist interior communities with registration, especially in areas with unstable internet connections. This approach would help ensure that all segments of the population can participate in the registration process and benefit from PADU's services.

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